Connecting People Through Goodwill and Friendship

Overview of Thai Mother-of-Pearl Inlay, Nielloware, and Damasceneware (SACICT Arts & Crafts FORUM 2019 Leaflet)

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Since ancient times, Thailand has been predominantly an agricultural society. Through respect and deep understanding the natural world, Thai people created a wide range of tools from locally available materials to adapt to the environment and meet needs related to lifestyles, beliefs, and traditions. Craftsmen and craftswomen experimented with, perfected, and produced tools, especially during free times from agricultural works. Eventually, the tools were developed to have a wide range of forms and shapes according to different usages and materials available in that locality,  which culminated in arts and crafts.


Having been passed down to the present time over generations, Thai arts and crafts are constantly being developed through international interactions and societal changes, yet they still maintain the quintessential traits Thai artistry and aesthetics. These essences are cultivated through continuous accumulation of skills and expertise, which culminated into different traditions of craftsmanship.


This leaflet from the SACICT Arts & Crafts Forum 2019, organized by The Sustainable Arts and Crafts Institute of Thailand (SACIT), goes over essential information as well as useful insights into some of Thailand’s illustrious craft traditions, including

  1. Mother-of-pearl inlay
  2. Thai nielloware
  3. Thai damasceneware


Readers will gain a better understanding of the history and processes behind each craft tradition, as well as an appreciation of the skills of Thai craftsmen and craftswomen. 


The Sustainable Arts and Crafts Institute of Thailand (SACIT) is a public organization that preserves, promotes, and supports the development of Thai arts and crafts.



The Thailand Foundation has been granted permission by The Sustainable Arts and Crafts Institute of Thailand (SACIT) to disseminate this book through our channels.

All rights reserved to The Sustainable Arts and Crafts Institute of Thailand (SACIT)